Computing is capable of running large simulations Aug 2nd, 2021   [viewed 51 times]
High Performance Computing offers significant benefits over traditional computing for manufacturing enterprises. It can help an automobile unit vehicle maintenance. A wholesaler could optimize the supply chain as well as stock levels. HPC is also used in R&D. The innovative design of the 787 Dreamliner Aircraft by Boeing is a result of HPC-based modeling and simulation that helped the company conduct live tests on the aircraft to test the prototype. Data is growing at an exponential rate in the modern borderless world. Over 2.5 Quintilian bytes of data is generated every day across the globe. India alone is set to produce 2.3 million petabytes of digital data by the year 2020, and it is growing at a rate that’s much faster than the world average. Many enterprises are also exploring online data backup in the cloud further fueling this data explosion. This data explosion increases the demand for storage capacities that are served by Data Centers. In just two decades, Data Centers have scaled up from the size of a room to the size of a commercial tower giving way to accommodate this increased storage need. Besides storage, modern Data Centers are also sprucing up to handle more services. They are more connected than ever and can meet the needs of the contemporary business world. New solutions have emerged around Data Center architecture that can bring competitive advantages to users through more optimized performance. Data Centers have now become critical components of a modern IT infrastructure. In India, we see emerging businesses growing at a fast pace, with cloud computing technologies and cloud warehouses taking the lead to store enormous amounts of digital data. At the beginning of the 21st century, most organizations in India had captive Data Centers that were self-managed. With advances introduced in cloud technologies and specialized players adding more capabilities, the self-managed option was replaced by the outsourcing model. Increase in the users, economic growth of the country, and cost advantages of cloud-based Data Centers are some of the trends driving adoption of a cloud-based architecture. Captive Data Centers are expensive to accommodate and challenging to scale. However, cloud-based Data Center architectures are more flexible. More info: lead engineer